Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Walgreens Freebies

I made a quick run to Walgreens tonight during American Idol. (I secretly do not like this show-don't tell Russ.) I also went in search of ice cream since we missed out on free cone day at Ben and Jerry's. Anyway, I ended up getting 4 of the Contour diabetes meters. These are currently generating a catalina coupon good for a free tube of Crest Pro Heath toothpaste on each one. In this month's Easysaver catalog, there is a $5 rebate when you buy 4 Crest items. So, I ended up with 4 free meters, 4 free tubes of toothpaste, and I submitted for the $5 rebate on my gift card, so it will actually be $5.50 with my 10% bonus. SCORE!

Total Before Coupons: $77.92
Total Money Spent: $0
Total Saved: $77.92 (100%)

*Plus I made $5.50 on my Walgreens gift card from the Easysaver rebate!*