Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Last of the Powerade and Vitamin Water...Finally!

We made our final trip to Kroger tonight for Powerade and Vitamin Water. I am so tired of looking at these bottles of sports drinks and the coupons that go with them. Like Russ said though, how can you not get them when they are FREE? Got to love FREE!

We got a few "extra" things as well to use up some of the $100 worth of Catalinas I have from Powerade and Glade. We got Russ some socks while we were there. He considers them his "payment" for his part in the stockpile keeping and coupon harvesting. LOL Here's the pic and the math:

Total Before Coupons: $127.20
Total Money Spent: $13.22

Total Saved: $113.98(89.6%)