Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Camera! (Thanks Target!)

As I mentioned below, we used our gift cards from the Quaker deals to help purchase our new digital camera. Target had the Kodak M893 IS on sale this week for $99 with a $5 gift card free with purchase. Now, this is not a top of the line camera, but it gets the job done. We felt like we needed to have a camera around with the kids being so small. We also purchased a 2GB SD card at the same time because it was on clearance! Here's the math:

Total Before Gift Cards and Sale: $147.47
Total Money Spent: $ 75.97
Total Saved: $71.50 (48.5%)


Preston on April 20, 2009 at 6:14 AM said...

Wow!! It's a great deal... I too got my camera from Target...