Friday, March 27, 2009

Old Navy Coupons Reset!

Well, as some of you may know the Old Navy coupons have been reset on There are no $75 off $100 or $50 off $100 coupons this week. However, there is a 30% off coupon... which isn't too bad! If you're interested here are some of the coupon locations:

*30% off entire purchase - jumping dolphin in Amy (you have to match up the heads first before it jumps out of the water) OR dog panel on lower right.

*20% off entire purchase- Movie: On Kelly's head @ 1:06*30% off a single item- also located in "boys swim trucks" in the bottom left under more fabulous finds.

*20% off two item coupon - once you make the heads to the bodies, it will appear where the heads where.

*20% off one item - on dog once you put Amy's head on her body

*20% off one item - yellow flower that the little girl in the dark and light pink jumper is holding